The Sieve of Eratosthenes implemented in Ruby
Robin Broad
Feb 2019
Part of a project to demonstrate an ability to
implement an algorithm in a range of different
computing languages and to use a range of
compilers, including the following:
Java: BlueJ
C: Miracle C
C++: Microsoft Visual C++.NET/ GNU GCC/ Linux Code::Blocks IDE
C#: Microsoft Visual C#.NET
Visual Basic: Microsoft Visual Basic.NET
Python: Linux Ninja Python IDE
Ruby: ruby 2.3.1p112 (2016-04-26) [i386-linux-gnu]

#variable declarations
RANGE=1000 #Define the range of the problem
root=Math.sqrt(RANGE) #needed later on when removing multiples
listOfIntegers = Array.new #declare a new array ready to hold the integers 1..1000
printCount=0 #used during print formatting of the program output

#Populate array with the integers 1..RANGE
for n in 1..RANGE
end #end for

#starting from n=2, "remove" multiples of n up the value of RANGE
#repeat for increasing values of n up to the square root of RANGE
for n in 2..root
        #delete the multiples of n
        #for multiplier in 2..RANGE
        multiplier=2 #start at 2n and rise to 3n etc.. (1n may be a prime number, but 2n is not)
        while multiplier*n<=RANGE  do #A while loop was used as Ruby appears not to support conditional for loops?
                listOfIntegers[product]=0 #write a zero to remove it from the list of prime numbers
                multiplier=multiplier+1 #Ha ha, no ++ operator in Ruby!
        end #end while
end #end for

puts "The Sieve of Eratosthenes program"
puts "Written in Ruby and compiled using ruby 2.3.1p112 (2016-04-26) [i386-linux-gnu]"
puts "Robin Broad, February 2019"
puts "The prime numbers in the range: 1 to "+String(RANGE)+" are:-"#Note RANGE is cast to a string here

#Print the resulting prime numbers
for n in 1..RANGE
        #print all non-zero elements of the integer array in blocks of 10 numbers at a time
        if listOfIntegers[n]!=0
                print String(listOfIntegers[n])+"\t"#note the need of 'then' and 'end' in a single line if statement in Ruby; crazy!
                #Note also the need to cast and integer into string so that a space can be added.
                #'print' is also needed to prevent the linefeed given by 'puts'. OMG, this feels like BASIC! Not Good! :'( Note:\t is a tab character
                printCount=printCount+1 #No increment operator, ha ha :')
                if printCount%10==0 then puts "\n" end #output a newline
        end #end if
end #end for

puts "\nEnd of Program." #output a newline ready for new terminal prompt
#End of program

Execution Date: Friday 1st February 2019, 17.55
This program gave the following output:
The Sieve of Eratosthenes program
Written in Ruby and compiled using ruby 2.3.1p112 (2016-04-26) [i386-linux-gnu]
Robin Broad, February 2019
The prime numbers in the range: 1 to 1000 are:-
1       2       3       5       7       11      13      17      19      23      
29      31      37      41      43      47      53      59      61      67      
71      73      79      83      89      97      101     103     107     109     
113     127     131     137     139     149     151     157     163     167     
173     179     181     191     193     197     199     211     223     227     
229     233     239     241     251     257     263     269     271     277     
281     283     293     307     311     313     317     331     337     347     
349     353     359     367     373     379     383     389     397     401     
409     419     421     431     433     439     443     449     457     461     
463     467     479     487     491     499     503     509     521     523     
541     547     557     563     569     571     577     587     593     599     
601     607     613     617     619     631     641     643     647     653     
659     661     673     677     683     691     701     709     719     727     
733     739     743     751     757     761     769     773     787     797     
809     811     821     823     827     829     839     853     857     859     
863     877     881     883     887     907     911     919     929     937     
941     947     953     967     971     977     983     991     997     
End of Program.