Countdown to the Seasons

The number of days are calculated from today, Monday 9th December 2024.
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12 days until the next winter solstice (around 21 Dec).

16 days until the next Christmas.

82 days until the start of meteorological spring (1 March).

101 days until the next spring equinox (around 20 March).

174 days until the start of meteorological summer (1 Jun).

194 days until the next summer solstice (around 21 June).

266 days until the start of meteorological autumn (1 Sep).

287 days until the next autumnal equinox (around 22 Sep).

357 days until the start of meteorological winter (1 Dec).

Light at the end of the tunnel...

31 days until the next 4pm sunset (9 Jan, Northern England).

62 days until the next 5pm sunset (9 Feb, Northern England).

91 days until the next 6pm sunset (10 Mar, Northern England).

108 days (approx) until the clocks go forward (Last Sunday in March).

* These calculations are based on the estimated equinox and solstice dates of 20 March, 21 June, 22 September and 21 December.
What does all of this mean? Find out here: Met Office: The Equinox and Solstice

Web Development

Web page constructed in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, by Robin Broad , Starbird Digital, Dec 2021.
Page hand-coded by Robin Broad.
This web page meets World Wide Web HTML and CSS standards.
Built and tested in a GNU/Linux environment in Newcastle upon Tyne, England.
Hosted in Provo, Utah, USA.

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